
Functional use of remaining vision

We work in conjunction with Eye Specialists or Optometrists to identify the individual’s unique low vision needs.

The Centre-based program activity is designed to meet unique needs of clients with low vision. Some may have difficulty accepting their visual impairment or be curious about increasing access to visual information through the use of tools and strategies. Clients are encouraged to explore the range of their visual abilities and to establish visual independence.

Most importantly, they learn from observing and sharing with one another. By participating in this program, clients will have a stronger sense of managing life independently as a person with low vision.

Clients will learn about:

  • Their eye condition and use of functional vision

  • Skills related to the use of optical devices for near, medial, and distance tasks

  • Skills related to the use of technology (e.g., screen magnification, mobile apps)

  • Identifying appropriate lighting and contrast needs

  • Use of tinted lenses for indoor and outdoor purposes

  • Advocacy skills related to their low vision needs in personal and community settings

  • Skills related to their visual impairment and VRS’s comprehensive core adjustment programs (e.g., O&M, Life Skills, Assistive Technology, Job-readiness/Workplace assistance)

  • Development of a positive self-identity as a person with low vision and benefits of interacting with peers with low vision

Our Optometry Team

Michelle O’Hanlon will be at Vision Rehabilitation Services fortnightly with graduating students from the University of Auckland, offering optometry exams.